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From NynthiDB
Welcome to NynthiDB! (short for Nynthixia DataBase)
The official Nynthixia database!
About the producer...
Nynthixia-P (ニンチキシア Ninchikishia) is a French VOCALOID, UTAU, CeVIO AI and SynthV AI producer, specialized in tragedies and psychological horror elements. She was born on October 11, 1996. She first began in 2014 with the song Damned Artist but her producer birthday is on March 26, 2015. Since then she is using more than 60 different characters for composing her songs. Her speed is very fast compared to the one of her comrades, releasing at least 2 songs per week and one album per month.
More info: Nynthixia
About NynthiDB
NynthiDB is a Wiki that has for purpose to get every song, album and series from Nynthixia-P, giving as much details as possible. Its main difference with other VOCALOID or UTAU Wikis is that NynthiDB is very technical. Giving out info about the songs themselves, but also comparisons, it offers a real documentation about each aspect. The work of NynthiDB is huge, Nynthixia-P releasing between 80 and 200 original works per year. On 2023, she already had created more than 1,000 songs.
More info: NynthiDB:About

Our Wiki currently has 1,295 articles and is getting bigger and bigger!

Did you know?

Fact #15

Tianyi is the only character having three deadlines: her birthday, the birthday of her Chinese voice provider and the birthday of her Japanese voice provider.

New voicebanks
April:17: Hibiki Koto
Unknown date: SeeU · Miyamai Moca · ROSA · AYA · YUKA
Song deadlines
1: Black Widow (Teto Kasane AI)
5: Coronation (Nyui Anna -colorful-)
10: Worsening Over Time (Celeste -sorcière-)
Ongoing production:
CD40.5 / Relics (tracks)

Next release: Relics - May 25, 2024 (Sat.) 12:00 AM CEST / Western Europe time ; 6:00 PM EDT day-1 / Eastern US time ; 7:00 AM JST / Japan time
